A family of four lets you offer more
Encanta 100 CONNECT
For clients who spend most of their time at home or in low-noise surroundings. It supports one-to-one conversations with clear and natural sound, providing comfort plus awareness of the sound environment.
Encanta 200 GO
For clients who rely on their hearing aids for speech understanding in noisy environments. It supports comfortable speech understanding during one-to-one conversations, using adaptive noise management.
Encanta 300 ENGAGE
For clients who enjoy an active and social life and often participate in conversations with multiple speakers. It provides a seamless transition from being focused on one person in a group to engaging in a broader group conversation in challenging sound environments.
Encanta 400 PRO
For clients who want uncompromising sound quality and the best technology to support speech understanding in any environment. It provides the greatest support and maximum performance in the most complex situations.
A family of evidence
We’ve tested all four of our technology levels, not just the highest one. Helping make the quality-of-life benefits of every solution tangible for you and your clients. See all the results and how the powerful evidence can empower your work.
Hear the difference
With sound demonstrations, now you and your clients can hear the benefits of Encanta for yourselves. Hear the difference offered by each solution in different noise environments, by the Smart Sensor, and by the Music Experience program.

Seamless conversations with the Smart Sensor
With new Smart Sensor technology in Encanta 300 and 400, clients can get even better speech understanding in group conversations. It detects head and body movement to automatically adjust directionality and noise reduction to meet your clients’ changing listening needs.
Big benefits of every Encanta
Connectivity for more clients
Encanta delivers a vast improvement in connectivity and streaming for all users. It is a Made for iPhone® hearing aid and is fully compatible with all LE Audio-enabled Android phones.
A richer music experience
Encanta comes with new upgrades to make your clients’ music experience even better – whether they’re playing or listening to music. Building on Bernafon’s long history of providing an exceptional music experience.
A full day of power in just one hour
Offer your clients more efficient charging to make their day easier and enjoy all-day peace of mind. Rechargeable Encanta hearing aids come with a new faster, smaller charger with a focus on efficiency.
Encanta Counselling Tool
An easier way to find the right solution
The Bernafon Encanta family Counselling Tool helps you guide your clients to just the right solution based on their hearing needs – and their lifestyle.
Find exactly what you need. Or get in touch.
Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Use of the Made for Apple badge means that an accessory has been designed to connect specifically to the Apple product(s) identified in the badge and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
* All data were collected in a clinical trial between August and October 2023 including 25 participants with a mean age of 73 years, a mean hearing-aid usage of 12 years, and mean symmetric hearing threshold of 47dB HL (125Hz-8kHz). All data reported are significantly different from their respective reference.
1The comparison for Encanta 100 speech intelligibility (11dB SPL) is between the aided and the unaided SRT50 in quiet.
2The comparison for Encanta 200 speech intelligibility in noise (OLSA, 2.3dB SNR) is between the SRT50 obtained with and without noise management (NAL-NL2 gain targets).
3The comparison for Encanta 200, 300, and 400 (CCOLSA, 8%, 15%, 19%, respectively) is between the intelligibility obtained with and without noise management (reference Encanta 200 with NAL-NL2 gain targets).